New Playlist Alert: Ask Your Doctor About


Watch more than ten minutes of broadcast television and you’ll see at least one commercial for life-changing medications, usually for arthritis, depression, or heart failure. The visuals show smiling people enjoying life without a care in the world while a calming voiceover lists all of the potentially fatal side effects of these pharmaceuticals. The ads then close with the usual call to action “Ask your doctor about [insert drug here].”

Highlighting the adventurous possibilities of travel and an active lifestyle that visually accompanies the drugs, the music should be positive, hopeful, bright, and lively… helping distract viewers from legally necessary phrases like “may increase risk of blood clot, stroke, heart attack, or death.” The strummed guitars and funky keyboards can’t be too happy or youthful. These aren’t ads for laundry detergent or dog food after all. There should be plenty of motion within the rhythms, but nothing bombastic or distracting from the message. As with all things, balance is key.

With all these risk factors in mind, here’s a starter dose of medicinally-friendly musical options that range from corporate pop to motivational acoustic underscores.

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